Friday, May 2, 2014

a post on life in my twenty-somethings.

As much as it pains me to say this, t-swift said it best: "We're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way"

Life in my twenties has already been an adventure, and I'm not even half way through it. I'm no where NEAR the life I thought I'd live when I was 12. I thought that by the time I was 19, I'd have my own cute and swanky apartment, with a steady/dreamy boyfriend, performing on broadway.

Well here I am, 24 years old. In debt up to my eyeballs. 2 part time jobs, no romantic prospect, less in shape then I'd like to be, and I have a bedtime of 10pm...or 9:30, depends on the day.

But I don't hate it. In fact, most days, I love it. I mean, there is always that season where you wonder if what you are doing really means anything. If all the time and energy you spend on a certain thing or someone is worth it...but it is.

If we're being honest, I have prayed my fair share of "boohoo-whoa-is-me-why-doesn't-anyone-love-me-what's-wrong-with-me" prayers. I've had weeks where I feel like I'm the scum on the ground, and that I'll be a lonely spinster for life. Seasons where I fully believe that I will never find any kind of success, and I have zero impact on those around me.

It's in those times where I remember why I follow Jesus. He always reminds me that what He intends for me is to embrace what He is calling me to RIGHT NOW. Not in a few months from now. Not if, and when, I have a full time job at a place I love. Not the 3 kids later, married version of myself.

I am placed here for a reason. You are placed right here, right now for a purpose. And God wants to use you just as you are. You don't need another person to complete you. You don't need another person to be the best you that you can be. You don't need to waste your time and energy dwelling on something that might not even come to pass! Be here.

Spend time loving yourself! Find your flaws, and experience the ocean of Grace you get to throw them in. Grow into a better person who lives life with vulnerability. Someone who doesn't have all the answers, but holds a strong faith despite the doubts.  Look at yourself in a mirror, and love the person you see.

 You were created for beauty, and to help others find their way...and in the process, you may just  find who you were meant to be.

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